Greenville University

Answering the Call

Just before the start of the 2021-22 school year, the Digital Media department at Greenville University was in a bind. The school needed to quickly fill a teaching position for photography and video courses, so our own Jon Stamm was tapped to be the instructor. Jon had taught these courses in years past, but this time he had a new idea. Instead of one professor, the students would have a team: Likely.

Watch our ad for GU, filmed by our students

FLipping the Script

Greenville University promotes experiential learning – the idea that education should include a healthy dose of real-world experience. That’s a concept that Likely can fully stand behind, since we believe learning about filmmaking is one thing… and working on set is another. So to implement this philosophy, we flipped the script.

Traditionally, students gather in a classroom and quietly listen to the teacher at the front, and then everyone scatters apart to do homework independently. But imagine the opposite: what if you watched a video lecture by yourself at home, and when you got to the classroom, you could work on your projects together with the teacher and other classmates?

We took the idea of experiential learning one step further. What if the homework assignments we give to our students become the content for a commercial about the university? Essentially, our students would make a professional video for a client (Greenville University) under our guidance.

We return to GU as instructors, teaching college students how to create an ad


LightBulb Commercial


Stag Beer