Epic Broom Commercial

we made a commercial for a Generic broom

“The product that’s sweeping the nation.”


We weren’t paid by anyone to do this. In fact, this lowly broom might be the the most mundane item in our studio.

Which is exactly why we took up the (self-inflicted) challenge. To prove a point? Maybe. To make an elaborate dad joke? Maaaaybe.

Broom’s success

Although it’s just a fun parody of trailer-style product teasers (think every new mobile device), the cinematography and editing in our broom spot impressed tens of thousands of viewers, while the concept itself made them laugh – a winning combo.


Sometimes our clients have a hint of skepticism about promoting their not-so-glamorous product or service. But we have years of experience to back up this core belief: with the right creative idea, anything can be presented in a way that engages the target audience.


Noble Cut Distillery


LightBulb Commercial