Mike’s Hot Honey

The Secret Ingredients

Our short-form video series, Random Commercials, features the adventures of our Likely crew on a mission to create advertainment – commercials that are too good to skip. But how do we do that?

On social media, holding viewers’ attention requires an engaging hook mixed with a compelling subject. What better subject than Mike’s Hot Honey – a sweet and spicy condiment that’s insanely delicious?

Our team has created thousands of short product commercials, so we drew from that experience to ensure Mike’s Hot Honey appeared fresh and appetizing. To add visual interest, we constructed an attachment on the camera (nicknamed the ‘honey rig’) for capturing a unique point-of-view perspective. Check it out!

Content With a Kick

Our video for Mike’s Hot Honey brought the heat – racking up 36,500 organic views across Likely’s social media accounts to date.


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