Target YouTube Shorts

A Creative Point of View

During the 2022 holiday season, Target approached our team to produce a series of YouTube Shorts promoting their top toys of the year. We quickly developed a fun concept to be filmed at FAO Schwarz, the famous toy store in New York City. The big idea: let’s imagine the viewer (a kid) works at the toy store. What would a day-in-the-life vlog look like from their perspective?

Social marketing for A New generation

As people binge vertical video content on platforms like YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, and TikTok, the “grammar” of media is changing.

Our Grammar Rules for Social Content

The Hook
The first three seconds of a video are critical. As viewers scroll their social media feeds, they’ll undoubtedly (almost subconsciously) swipe away if they aren’t hooked in. Social content needs to grab a viewer’s attention immediately – or else.

The Anticipation
If the viewer is hooked enough to stay for a little over three seconds, we try to hold their attention longer by building anticipation for some sort of payoff. We want viewers thinking “what’s going to happen next?”

The Payoff
This is all about rewarding viewers. They’ve made it into the meat of the content, so they should feel satisfied by the end. Every good setup needs a great payoff; some sort of resolution that’s pleasing, surprising, or helpful to the viewer. Otherwise they may never come back for more!

The Loop
Grabbing and maintaining a viewer’s attention is one thing, but having them watch more than once is the holy grail. We aim for viewers to watch over 100% of the video by seamlessly connecting the end back to the beginning. If the whole viewing experience is captivating, the platform rewards the video with more impressions. Mission accomplished.


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